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Master Degreee in Advanced Molecular Sciences
Home page > Degree Program > Organization > Joint Teacher-Student Commission (Commissione Paritetica)

Joint Teacher-Student Commission (Commissione Paritetica)

Joint Teacher-Student Commission (Commissione Paritetica)

The Joint Teacher-Student Commission is a permanent observatory on teaching activities, provided for by Legislative Decree no. 19/2012 and internally regulated by the University Teaching Regulations, art. 6.

 Tasks of the Commission:

- to carry out monitoring of the educational offer and quality, of the professors’ and researchers’ service activity to students.

- to identify indicators for the evaluation of the teaching activity

- to express opinions on the activation and suppression of Master’ courses

- The Commission meets several times during the year and prepares an annual report following the analysis of the data and of what is present in the SUA-CdS document and in the Review Reports.

Members: Marco Laurati (president), Ilaria PalchettiMarco FredianiMarco Marradi  Gabriele Palma

last update: 10-Jan-2023
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